July 31, 2012

  • “the heretic”

    I just sat down and read this article and was absolutely drawn in. Who knew psychedelic research could be so interesting? 


    an excerpt:

    “Terminated research from the ’60s was being replicated and even furthered in dozens of studies by big-name players, including Johns Hopkins, NYU, and UCLA. These studies, which almost exclusively explore the psychotherapeutic potential of psychedelics (as opposed to, say, how they might influence creativity), are getting results that would make a Big Pharma rep salivate. Of the hundreds of volunteers who’ve participated, a high majority have said that psychedelics, given in a safe, supportive setting, helped them to, depending on the study, accept imminent mortality, overcome drug and alcohol addiction, mitigate obsessive-compulsive urges, or heal post-traumatic stress disorder”


    If you have a couple of minutes give it a read and let me know what you think. 


    again, here’s the link: The heretic



Comments (8)

  • I didn’t make it through the entire piece, because I’m becoming sleepy. It was interesting, but seemed geared nonetheless with a bias for LSD. That said, I do appreciate that they point out how they were screwed by the FDA.

    Have you ever seen the movie Jacob’s Ladder? It popped into my head because that was a bit more similar to my LSD experience. Shrooms didn’t ever cause me to lose control. Then again, this Faladin fella was using specific doses…. so…..hmmm….

  • @Kellsbella - I’ve never lost control with shrooms, or even had a bad trip. however I’ve never used LCD and don’t plan on it. Micro dosing looks interesting though. 

  • Are you trying to suggest that the government doesn’t know best? That the FDA squelches innovation and doesn’t necessarily act in our best interest? That “drugs” aren’t all bad while “rx drugs” aren’t all good?


  • I took Shrooms in College and my asshole buddy threw me a bag and said eat this…it was 5 grams and I didn’t know who I was for about 8 hours. Not a horrible trip just weird as fuck….too much. Have buddies who say it is great and chill but haven’t touched um since.

  • I’ve gone through several ego deaths.  It will cause them to lose motivation in society. 

  • LSD basically releases endorphins (even in sub-psychedelic doses) which are a natural anti-depressant and pain killer, of course it would have medicinal value.

    If caffeine were an illegal street drug that weren’t regulated, teens would be dying of caffeine overdoses and addicts would be robbing stores to get more of it.  Instead you just get a headache if you stop drinking coffee or crash from a sugar jag.

  • Oh well, we can destroy their brains.  that seems to be our master’s goal.

  • Weed, LSD and shrooms… why on earth are they class one when Oxycontin isn’t?

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