December 25, 2009

  • We wish you a carnal Christmas and a bitter new year

    Our plan has succeeded. The values we fought to remove from society are now gone. We freely go from one person to the next enjoying the carnal pleasures without the strings that have held so many previous generations down. We taunt each other with our bodies, we enjoy the friction of our skin against others. 

    Our sex has no boundries, no limits. We have no real goal but to please ourselves. Love is absent, reserved for the hopeful and the foolish. And the foolish will be destroyed, the hopeful will be crushed. The few remaining will be tormented.  

    And as we celebrate the absence of morality let us remember that we will no longer be happy, secure or have peace in our lives. Joy will be replaced by lust, love will be replaced with selfishness. There is no longer hope for our children, for as much as we have strayed from the values of the generation before us, they will stray from our values. 

    We will take the low road, do it the hard way but we will not learn from it, nay, we will suffer but we will not change. 

    We will scream merry Christmas across the bar as our glassy eyes search for the next random hookup. Our glasses nearing empty like our souls can be filled again, and they will. Our hearts will remain cold and empty.

    My heart hurts, I want to cry. This isn’t how it should be. This wasn’t how it was supposed to work.    

Comments (101)

  • Rec’d for truthfulness.

  • It is not how it works at all. But sadly it is often the way people try to make things work.

    Well done in its truth, just a bit more than I was expecting today

  • Yeah, it’s sad.

  • It’s a true outlook, but it’s crappy.  I don’t know, in spite of that I see hope.  Maybe it’s the season talking.  :0)

  • trunthepaige, i agree (:

  • and thats the damn truth, i feel you.

  • The hell? No, just no.

  • My Christmas had nothing to do with lust.
    I’m sorry it sounds like you didn’t enjoy your holiday.
    Have hope that values won’t completely disappear.
    Mine haven’t. (:

  • nothing is true as this post, nice one man.

  • You’re right, this isn’t how it should be. And it doesn’t have to be. 

    Everyone has a sphere of influence, so does the next person, the next person and the next.Be an inspiration. Be different. Be the one of change when you refuse ‘the norm’. You might just attract the same kind. 

  • Only applicable if you live in Vegas.

  • An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life…

    “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
    “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

    “One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

    “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

    “This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
    “Which wolf will win?”

    The old chief simply replied,
    “The one you feed.”

  • Sorry, I couldn’t hear the point you were trying to make over the sound of all those violins playing.

  • I don’t like this.

  • If you hate where life has taken you, then it is the road you walk that is to blame; not the destination.  Never blame the weakness of others for your personal misery.

  • Nicely said the story of the Cherokee Chief and his grandson and the two wolves yep we feed the one we want. 

  • It’s not so much that the carnal pleasures are the problem– it’s that it’s become this generation’s main method of dealing with larger problems. That we’d rather choose to immerse ourselves in a bottle of wine, or a random flirtation in order to feel needed, than to face reality.

    But, nice thoughts. Thanks for the post.

  • Love conquers all, and hope never fails.  The foolish are used to shame the wise, and the weak are used to shame the strong.  Don’t lose faith!  It’s not over yet.

  • Truth, such as this, is a sound foreign to many ears….. most, only wish to hear the lies, they tell themselves…. and all  to often, they unfortunately believe.

    Great post, sad part is it fits, every day, not just at Christmas. William Shakespeare said “to thine own self be true”  To many people have forgotten that tenet. If we lie to ourselves, is not our life, nothing more than a lie? Bravo to you, for looking into the looking glass, and seeing that which most deny.
     There are a few of us left who try to live the old way. We are condemned and laughed at. I will choose to live that way regardless. It is the only way to truly live, and there is still joy therein to be found, and experienced. Though it may be hard to do, there are still a few who awaken from the lie, and find hope in truth.

  • Values will disappear as soon as people claim them to be gone.
    Never tag the body as dead out of hopelessness when it’s still breathing underneath all of the cynicism.

  • Who honestly believes that modern Christmas is somehow made worse because there is someone, somewhere having a good time in a bar – possibly with a member of the opposite sex. This post has depressed me, I honestly didn’t expect to see such idiocy around Christmas… must be a sign of the times.

  • @Knopf_Im_Ohr - I wish I could rec your comment :)

    Um, sorry it’s crappy but better days will come, don’t give up! :)

  • Profound truth for those who see the world as it is. Denying this is blindly advocating a foolish misconception. Whether this is or is not your personal story is irrelevant because this is the story of the world. Take a look.

  • @Knopf_Im_Ohr - I have to agree with tequila_sky on this one.

  • @Knopf_Im_Ohr - This is an excellent little  parable!

  • Sadly, this is all too true. I’ve recommended it.

  • All my dancing pink rabbits have just disappeared.

  • Punch her in the vagina!

  • i’m not sure what this post has to do with christmas or the new year, but i do agree.

  • I hate to tell you that this made me laugh, but it did. We’re still alive. Isn’t that something to be thankful for? And, instead of going all emo about society (which, bear in mind, has never been altogether wonderful) why not spend an evening trying to make someone else smile? That’s all Christmas is about, isn’t?

  • it’s been on the generation for long, I must say. So saddening to know.

  • Great post.  The decline of society.  Unfortunately, many refuse to see it and unfortunately have come to know and accept it as the norm. 

    I was in a bookstore last night, what really struck me as sad was the Young Adult section.  When stepping back and looking at the section as a whole, at least 75% of it was black colored books about vampires, witches, crystals…..

  • Gosh you’re reading the Satanic Bible lately…

  • @thegoist - ”Never blame the weakness of others for your personal misery.” I think this line has more meaning than the post.

  • *hug* this was beautiful in a sad way.  I hear ya.  the world is so wrong.

  • I agree. I wish I lived in the past.

  • This seems awfully pessimistic and I believe things are only in how you see them.  I see the complete opposite of what you have written here happen every day through myself, my family, and my friends.  I must disagree with this post.  I  have a much more optimistic view of those around me.

  • Hear, hear.

    And all anyone can justify themselves with is “it’s none of your business”.

  • Good point, good thoughts.  Some good thoughts in the comments, as well.  How often do we take a step back and look at where we are?

  • @MadMarch - go fuck yourself..he did a fine job at writing this

  • Nostalgia.  You’re experiencing nostalgia and perhaps some loneliness.  Statistically, reported happiness and fulfillment has not decreased and may have increased over the past half a centuriy in most developed nations (including the US).

    Yes, we are abandoning traditional values.  Social evolution is all about abandoning traditional values.  It used to be a traditional value to respect your parents’ desires no matter how unreasonable those desires may be.  Traditionally, it was valued in women that they put the happiness of their husband before their own, and valued in men that they be firm in both controlling and supporting their wife.  At various points in life all sorts of horriblenesses have been considered traditional values.

    So, here we are, you’re right, moving away from traditional moral views toward sexuality and love.  Great!  Less and less sexual guilt crushing our adolescents (masturbation used to be considered horrendously shameful in Western society; can you imagine?).  Fewer unrealistic ideas about romance and love, with people adopting a more pragmatic, workable approach to romantic life.  I’ll take a string of exciting 5-year relationships over a loveless, sexless 40-year marriage any day.

    It’s exciting!  Thrilling!  We’re being honest with ourselves more now than we ever have been about these things.  Romantic/sexual repression, guilt, shame, anxiety… these can slowly become artifacts of a backward past, gone the way of overt racism and patriarchal society.

    Love isn’t dying.  Love’s a fundamental human emotion.  What’s dying is the archaic, restricted view of love which we’ve been force-fed since the troubadours of medieval France.  Maybe now we can find something better.  Yeah, we can open ourselves up to more promiscuity (though you’re lying to yourself if you think that promiscuity is something new).  We can bask in carnal pleasures, and maybe that’ll even be enough for some people (which is great for them).  Most of us, I think, will move on, find new forms for the expression and experience of love, affection, lust, intimacy–all of it.

    So.  Yeah, you’re nostalgic.  Maybe you’re hurt, or a little scared of the future which seems like it will so wildly vary from the past.  Maybe you’re even judgmental of it all, rigidly applying your moral views to the changes taking place, but I hope not.  I hope you’re just sad to see the old go away, and that soon you’ll look ahead and see what great things we can make of a future with more romantic and sexual freedom than humanity’s ever had before.


  • @christykim - You may have hit the nail more on the center of the head. Though i do recognize there’s truth in both yours and the journal writers words.

  • @thegoist - Sometimes, when we care about the fate of others in wide world, not just our own, their misery brings a person pain. On the whole it may be best summed up by the words “don’t it make you sad to know that life is more then who you are.”

  • This does seem rather true.

  • I’m with you, but don’t let it discourage you. Hope is not lost.

  • Wow. That was deeper than anything I’ve ever read anywhere.

  • Very well written. So true too. Thanks.

  • Right, because EVERY generation before us never had casual sex? Sure, and the romans were doing what exactly? Oh and the 18th century French spent all their time just praying I guess?

    We’re so damned unique! And we’ve ruined the whole world for forever! Boo-who for our poor kids that will want to make up their own minds about the world. It’s so sad that they just won’t listen to us…

    Some people like casual sex. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. It’s really that simple.
    Don’t go to bars if you don’t like them. Find something more productive to do with your time like maybe volunteering with a big brothers program to help some of those poor kids you’re so worried about.

    You are the master of your own misery. 

    Have a nice day.

  • @jaydedheart - Every man is responsible for what he does and fails to do.  You are not the one to dictate to others how they should live their lives.  If your friends cause you to stumble then find new friends.

  • @thegoist - Of course not, i think the government’s already got that pretty covered anyway. But it’s pretty safe to say here that this individual is not dictating how anyone should live their life, just expressing how he feels about their choices. Of which, many agree, some don’t.

    A bomb 5,000 miles away can cause a man to stumble. Compassion ties many shoe laces together.

  • @jaydedheart - Political systems are incompetent to change the nature of moral responsibility.  And he must not think very highly of himself if he thinks others’ fuckups are worth his emotional anguish.

  • @thegoist - Certainly they are. Incompetent, or perhaps, rather, simply out of order. I guess you can call it “taking a shot”.

    I guess we could go back and forth on this over and over. But in short, it’s a worthy trait(at least in my book) to care about the state of others. And with care, comes joy and sorrow.

  • @jaydedheart - You’ve mistaken my meaning.  By “incompetent” I don’t mean “inefficient and ineffective.”  I mean that it is a metaphysical impossibility.  Law, whether handed down from a single tyrant, as in a monarchy, or from many as in a democracy, is metaphysically unable to change what is right and what is wrong.

  • @jaydedheart - And not every human being is worth the investment of your love and care.  Be selective in whom you care about.  Care for those who represent your values.  True love is, and should be, a profoundly selfish act.

  • @jaydedheart - thank you! by the way, it seems as if you didn’t express your own opinions– what do you think about society’s changed attitudes?

  • Actually, carnal Christmas is awesome. If you don’t enjoy it, that’s really just your problem. It’s not something wrong with the world.

  • Blah blah blah blah blah.

  • @thegoist - I couldn’t agree with that less. I don’t know if all people deserve love, but it’s wise to love all people. All persons need a various slice of a persons love. Just anger can be an act of love, too.

    But more so then this, to love only those who represent your values is a vastly segregational act. Divisional as it gets. Also, it ignores the fact that many people are born to different values then ourselves, but deep down they are just as good, or even better persons.

  • “It’s always darkest just before it goes pitch black.” –  (I find that laughing at the darkness has more power to dispel it than cursing it ever does . . . I’m a cynical one and inspirational quotes make me roll my eyes while these make me grin and sometimes laugh out loud.)

    Feel ya here.  ”Freedom” from responsibility, conscience, and fidelity is also freedom from meaning and true satisfaction.  The pain and emptiness are real, and they are everywhere, but they are not all there is.

    I am in-between right now, not knowing who I am anymore, and met a guy this spring who was in a similar (though much more dramatic) state.  We could have been a hook-up, taking from one another temporary pleasure and giving more long term pain.  Instead we stayed friends, just a few hugs and kisses.  We took care of each other, kept each other company, and gave each other innocence, which for very different reasons we both desperately needed.  A few months in to the sweet but strange relationship, our roads turned in different directions and we hugged goodbye and let each other go.  A few tears but no anger and no regrets.  

    The blessings may be sparse at times, but they are there.  Just keep your eyes open, and be willing to be one, and to receive one, as opportunities come your way.
    Robert Frost, when asked what he has learned about life, said it can be summed up in 3 words: “It goes on.”  Peace to you.  And light.  

  • I fucking hate hookups. I would never cheapen myself in that manner. You either go with me or go away.

  • @jaydedheart - “I couldn’t agree with that less. I don’t know if all people deserve love, but it’s wise to love all people. All persons need a various slice of a persons love.”

    To love everyone, regardless of merit, is betray yourself. 
     ”Just anger can be an act of love, too.”
    Wow.  That’s condescending.
    “But more so then this, to love only those who represent your values is a vastly segregational act. Divisional as it gets.” 
    Yes.  Your point?
    “Also, it ignores the fact that many people are born to different values then ourselves, but deep down they are just as good, or even better persons.”
    I’m not saying your values have to be identical — only that those people you love must be judged based on what you see as valuable.

  • This isn’t true at all.

  • Uhhh, bro.

    I don’t know if you know this…but it’s ALWAYS been like this.

    Now it’s just no longer as clandestine.

  • I hear you. People take no responsibility for their lust anymore. If I hear the word ‘lust’ one more time this week I will probably throw up.

  • Makes me so sad…wow, dismal writing. Hopefully it’s not really that bad…
    Anyway, i think i’m both foolish and hopeful, but dunno how to be otherwise i guess

  • @thegoist - Well, if you’re cool with division, i don’t know what else i can say. But i think the results of a divisive world have proven that logic time and time again to be the very thing that is without merit. So that’s unfortunate.

  • @christykim - You’re welcome : )

    Hmm, what i think? I think that, vastly, our society has forgotten what makes it tick. It’s forgotten it’s own heart. And i think alot of that does come from the fact that we are snowballed as we exit youth and enter this modern adulthood, that is just thrown at us. If you enter college you’re quickly invited to drink away the hardships of the week, something i think you’ve touched on, that many of those people will spend the rest of their life doing when faced with unpleasantries on various levels. If you don’t enter college, there’s friday happy hour with workmates to wash away that grueling work week. Alcohol has a very historical value to systems as a control mechanism. For example, sailing crews were always kept under the bottle to help prevent mutany due to absurd conditions.

    Instant gratification is a big part of our society, and it’s easily fed by all sorts of mechanisms these days, including technological, of course. People want a quick fix, that ultimately does them more harm then good in the long term. And where i think the OP comes in is here..the desire to please ourselves at often little/no thought and high cost. It just seems like there’s too much selfishness out there. I don’t know if human beings were always this way, or always will be. I do feel like it was less true when i was in my child years. But what ever the case, the concoction of not dealing with our problems and always trying to get a quick fix for our own selves is killing our lives.

  • @jaydedheart - Division is a symptom, not the disease.  Division is defeated by people having to learn from other people.  That only happens when people are forced to face the consequences of what they did and didn’t do.  That only happens when we let people suffer for their bad decision-making instead of tacitly condoning it through welfare and socialization of services.  You’re opening an entire new can of worms here.

  • My Christmas had little to do with lust or love.  My Christmas was about sorrow and loss.  

  • Very Well written. Too bad it’s true

  • Well said! As a pastor I know this all too well. Very sad and very true. We can only pray for change and hope that conviction comes.

  • Amazing. I usually hate the featured posts.

  • i don’t think the liberalization of sex laws is diminishing romantic love. it’s just making people feel less ashamed and closed-off about sex. history is full of people just looking for random hook-ups.

  • This does not sound like the society that I am living in.

    People have values. They just don’t all have the same values.

    Many people value love and compassion and kindness but also recognize their carnal desires. I don’t think our physical, ethical, mental, and emotional selves have to conflict with each other.

    This post sounds pretty bitter, if you ask me…

  • @ai_moon - ”Some people like casual sex. If you don’t like it, don’t do it. ”

    I wish I could leave props on comments.

  • Wow, very bitter, jaded and cynical. However, I know the feeling. We should start a club for this. We can have t-shirts.

  • What’s so sad about your post is that it’s so true.

  • so is this about doing a chick while you’re waiting for santa clause or summat

  • the world is simple, miserable. solid all the way through.

  • Damn, dude, chill the fuck out. You probably haven’t had sex in ten years or so if you’re writing bitter shit like this. Smoke some weed and get some sweet pussy.

  • I wgole heartedly agree… Its not easy to see that your friends are doing all of that… and in my case… some of them are….

  • yeah… there is still hope, there is always hope, but this is what we see more and more

    and people wonder why they feel unfulfilled

    I think they just don’t understand

  • @jaydedheart - You’ve put a lot of thought into that, thank goodness! It’s a pity that not everyone thinks along the same lines…

    And even if we all think along the same lines, there’s also a huge step between thinking and acting it out. There are probably a lot of people out there who are even more “guilty”, because while they’re conscious that society’s making it easier for them to do anything without much effort, they’re still doing those things, out of habit or even a weak heart (I possess the latter trait, unfortunately). Lot of it has to do with the fact that, like you said, we’re placed in an environment where it’s less easier for us to act– and that we’re accustomed to getting things done, fast, without a lot of persistence, when persistence is required for much of the things in life. Nice thoughts.

    In my opinion, we need real heroes in society. We need people– or even one person– who will inspire us to bring out the best in ourselves, role model(s) that everyone will look up to, not those actors and singers that have become idols for teenagers– our future generation. There’s so much snarkism that all of the ground-shakers, such as government figures and organizations, have a lot of negative social stigma associated with them, so in a sense no one in this world is associated with a “pure” image. For example, while some people might argue that Bill Gates has done a whole lot of good with his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, some people loathe the fact that Microsoft has monopolized the market– in the eyes of most people, our success stories aren’t necessarily moral success stories. I wonder: if we had a modern-day Mother Theresa, would people accuse her of having many ulterior motives or corporate connections?

  • @Knopf_Im_Ohr - That’s a really great quote. I’m gonna go save it =)

  • I agree on the dislike of casual sex aspect, but I do also agree that there is hope of society itself and that there is still a lot of good.

  • I’ve been through times like that, but I learned and I have found my morals again.  I think its because I lost faith in God.  However, now that I’ve found him, I feel better about myself, and where I’m heading.  I’m sorry that you feel like this, but the human race isn’t a total loss.  Eventually one day things will start getting better, but I suspect that it won’t happen for a long time.  We need to find out who we are as people before we can start defining ourselves as ‘the human race’.

  • I don’t think he is referring to his personal condition, but the sad state of the world..

    I was put off by the title, but I have to agree completely with this post.. Unfortunately, you hit the nail on the head!

  • What makes values valid though? In a society of whores and thieves, is it so surprising that this is where the hearts and minds dwell?

  • @Knopf_Im_Ohr - YES, a thousand times yes

  • @MadMarch - Agreed.  Holy damn.

  • Very true.  Sad, but true.  This is life without Christ. 

  • WTF r u talking about bro? sin happening in a sin world. QQ. A lot of people talk about how society just goes down hill from what it used to be. BS. murder was happening just a short time after Adam and Eve had kids. same old stuff.

  • Wow. That was depressing.

    But that’s life. Those of us who still have our values will find each other.

  • well i hope your holidays aren’t too bad and may they be full of booze! :D

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  • I’m pretty sure my future husband is probably not a virgin, and that makes me want to weep.

  • Yeah. Saw this one a bit late.

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